Internal Medicine and Cardiology Clinic located in Higashi-Sumiyoshi, Osaka.

〒546-0013 大阪府大阪市東住吉区湯里1丁目14-13

Medical Services

Internal Medicine and Cardiology Clinic located in Higashi-Sumiyoshi, Osaka.

Medical Services

Our medical services include preventive care, acute care and management for chronic conditions. We are able to provide various examinations including blood test, electrocardiogram, X ray, echo examination.

Medical Examination

Blood examination

Reservation is not required. Analysis of blood specimen is outsourcing. It takes a few days to receive the results. 

Rapid Blood Examination

Blood count (white and red blood cell, platelet) , CRP (index of inflammation) and blood sugar can be analyzed in our clinic and you get results within 15 minutes.


Reservation is not required. The result is explained on the same day.

X ray

Reservation is not required. The result is explained on the same day.

Echo examination

Heart, abdomen, carotid artery, thyroid, lower limb artery and vein are examined by specialized sonographers. Reservation is required. The result is explained after the exam day.



Clinic for Outpatients with Fever

Clinic for Outpatients with Fever

Clinic for Outpatients with Fever is appointment only. Please make an appointment before you visit our clinic because the number of quarantine room is limited.

We see patients with fever in an quarantine room. Rapid antigen test (COVID-19 and Flu) can be performed and the results are explained  within 20min.